Program | |
2002-4-18 (Thursday) | Meeting (15:00-20:00, BJT) (7:00-12:00, GMT) |
15:00 - 20:00 | Early Registration |
Registration Poster and Exhibit setting-up Slide testing (PowerPoint) at The International Exchange Center, Northwest University, Xi’an | |
2002-4-19 (Friday) | Meeting (8:30-16:30, BJT) (0:30-8:30, GMT) |
8:30 - 9:00 | Opening Ceremony |
Opening remarks by Dr. Chao Chen | |
Remarks by Dr. Hideki Kambara | |
Remarks by Local Officials | |
9:00 - 12:00 | Session 1: |
Chaired by Dr. Chen, Chao | |
9:20 | Dr. Uhlen, Mathias (PhD, Professor, Department of Biotechnology Center for Physics, Astronomy and Biotechnology Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden) “High-throughput functional genomics to study human diseases” |
10:05 | Dr. Lu, Zuhong (PhD, Professor, Director, National Lab. for Molecular and Bimolecular Electronics, Southeast University, China) “High-density oligonucleitide array--design, fabrication, and applications” |
10:30 | Dr. Mcdade, Ralph (PhD, VP of R&D and Chief Scientific Officer, Luminex Corporation, USA) “Genotype to Phenotype using Lab MAP Technology” |
10:55 | Refreshment Break |
11:05 | Dr. Chen, Chao (PhD, Professor, Northwest University, China) “Magnetic DNA array” |
11:25 | Dr. Barker, David L (PhD, Vice-President & Chief Scientific Officer, Illumina Inc., USA) “High-throughput analysis of genetic diversity: SNP genotyping on randomly assembled BeadArraysTM” |
11:50 | Dr. Hu, Weiming (PhD, Director of Biochip, ChipScreen BioSciences, Ltd., Shen Zhen, China) “Studying mode of action of natural products through chemical genomics” |
12:00 | Photo & Lunch |
14:00 – 18:00 | Session 2: |
Chaired by Dr. Lu Zuhong | |
14:00 | Dr. Falick, Aronld M (PhD, Professor, HHMI Mass Spectrometry Lab Dept of Molecular and Cell Biology University of California, USA) “High-throughput identification of Haemophilus ducreyi proteins with 2-D chromatography and tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry” |
14:25 | Dr. Li, Honghua, PhD (Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology and The Cancer Institute of New Jersey UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, USA) “A high-throughput approach to SNP scoring” |
14:45 | Dr. Luo, Guoan (Professor, Analytical Centrer Tsinghua University) “Proteomics on lung cancer in Chinese” |
15:05 | Refreshment Break and Discussion |
15:25 | Dr. Kambara, Hideki (PhD, Senior Chief Scientist, Hitachi, Ltd., Central Research Laboratory) “Gel electrophoresis systems for DNA analysis” |
15:45 | Dr. Arakawa, Hidetoshi (PhD, Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University, Japan) “Development of Chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay for steroids” |
16:00 | Dr. Zhou, Guohua (PhD, Director, Senior Research, Huadong Research Institute for Medicine and Biotechnics, Nanjing Bioengineering (Gene) Technologhy Center for Medicines) “Inexpennsive and Simple SNP typing by Bioluminometric Assay” |
16:15 | Dr.Gharizadeh, Baback (PhD, Department of Biotechnology Center for Physics, Astronomy and Biotechnology Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden) “Long DNA-Sequencing by Pyrosequencing and Applications” |
16:30 | Poster and Exhibit Viewing, Panel Discussion |
18:00 | Buffet Party |
19:30-22:00 | Dance and Enjoyable Party |
2002-4-20 (Saturday) | Meeting (9:00-11:50, BJT) (1:00-2:50, GMT) |
9:00 – 11:50 | Session 3: |
Chaired by Dr. Zhou, Guohua | |
9:00 | Dr. Kitamori, Takehiko (PhD, Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry School of Engineering The University of Tokyo, Japan) “Integrated Micro Bio and Chemical Systems on Chip -High Speed Analysis, Diagnosis, Screening and Synthesis” |
9:40 | Dr. Cheng, Jing (PhD, Professor, Tsinghua University, China) “DNA chip related topic (tentative) ” |
10:00 | Dr. Griffin Peter (PhD, Professor, Stanford University) “Miniaturized DNA analysis device (tentative) ” |
10:10 | Refreshment Break, Poster Exhibit Viewing |
11:10 | Dr. Hlavac, Vasek (Professor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Department of Cybernetics Czech Technical University) “Analysis of gene expression profiles using GEPCLUST tool” |
11:20 | Dr. Lofas, Stefan (PhD, Vice-President and Chief Scientific Officer, Biacore AB, Sweden) “SPR based technology, an indispensable tool for quantitative protein interaction data” |
11:50 – 12:10 | Closing Ceremony |
11:50 | Poster Awards |
Dr. Chao Chen and Dr.Yokokawa: poster awards | |
12:00 | Closing Remarks |
Dr. Mathias Ublen | |
12:10 | Lunch |
13:30 | Visiting the Terro Cotta Warriors And Horses |
19:00-21:30 | Dinner and Entertainment at China’s Premier Cultural Entertainment Theatre Restaurant |
Program | |
2004-5-26 (Wednesday) | Meeting (8:30-18:05, BJT) (0:30-10:05, GMT) |
8:30 - 8:50 | Opening Ceremony |
Opening remarks by Madam Song,Xiufang | |
Remarks by Professor Gu, Guanqun | |
Remarks by Dr. Kambara, Hideki | |
8:50 - 11:00 | Session 1: Microsystem and Genomics |
Chaired by Dr. Chen, Chao | |
8:50 | Dr. Kitamori, Takehiko (Tokyo University, Japan) “Micro Integrated Bioassay System on Microchip” |
10:00 | Prof. Ruggiero, Carmelina (Dist University of Genoa, Italy) “Genomics and nanomolecolar aspects in cellular and tissue engineering” |
10:25 | Dr.Lin, Bincheng(Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, China) “Higher throughput and scale integration of microfluidic lab on a chip systems and their application in life sciences” |
10:50 | Coffee break |
11:00 - 12:30 | Session 2: Proteomics |
Chaired by Dr. Lenhard, Boris | |
11:00 | Dr.Yasuda, Kenji (University of Tokyo, Japan) “Measurement of Epigenetic Information in Cells” |
11:25 | Dr.Luo, Guoan (Tsinghua University, China) “Tissue protein expressions of human lung carcinomas and in the application of clinical diagnostics at the proteomic level” |
11:50 | Dr. Lin,Biaoyang (Inst. for Systems Biology, USA) "Systems biology of Cancer" |
12:15 | Dr.Bao,Yijia Paul (Nanosphere Inc.,USA) "Label-Free RNA Expression Analysis based on Gold Nanoparticle Probes" |
12:30 | Photo & Lunch |
14:30 – 16:40 | Session 3: Nano technology |
Chaired by Prof. Ruggiero, Carmelina | |
14:30 | Dr. Cheng, Jing (Tsinghua University, China) “Biochips and System Integrationy” |
15:05 | Dr. Muller,Uwe R.(Nanosphere, Inc. USA) “A new Platform for DNA and Protein Detection based on Nanoparticle Probe Technology” |
15:35 | Coffee break |
15:45 | Dr.Arakawa, Hidetoshi (Showa University, Japan) "Development of novel bioluminescent pyrophosphate assay and its application to DNA analysis" |
16:00 | Dr.Gu, Ning (Southeast University, China) “Therapeutical application of magnetic nanomaterials and the related devices” |
16:15 | Dr.He, Nongyue (Southeast University,China) “Fabrication of DNA Microarrays by Micro-Fluid Self-Drving Print” |
16:30 | Coffee break |
16:40 – 18:05 | Session 4: Microarray and Microfluidics |
Chaired by Dr. Lin, Bincheng | |
16:40 | Dr. Han, Jian (Genaco Biomedical Products, Inc. USA) "A Bead Array Method for Expression Profiling of MicroRNAs" |
17:00 | Dr. Mansun (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, China) “Integrated Circuit (IC) based Micro-DNA Array Development - a Manufacturing Approach” |
17:15 | Dr. Jack Y. Zhai (Applied Biosystems,USA) “The New Applied Biosystems Expression Array System and an Integrated Workflow for Gene Expression Analysis” |
17:30 | Dr. Wang, Charlie (illumina, USA) “Production scale genotyping and gene expression analysis using BeadArray Technology” |
17:45 | Dr. Yan,Zhen (Duke University Medical Center, USA) “From gene chip to Olympicst” |
18:05 | Closing the section |
18:30 | Banquet |
2002-4-20 (Tuesday) | Meeting (8:40-12:15, BJT) (0:40-4:15, GMT) |
8:40 – 11:00 | Session 5: New Technologies for genetic analysis |
Chaired by Dr. Han, Jian | |
8:40 | Dr. Kambara,Hideki(Hitachi Ltd.,Japan)(Special lecture) "The development of DNA analysis technology and instrument" |
9:05 | Dr.Lenhard,Boris (Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics ;Karolinska Institutet, Sweden) "Computational detection of regulatory sequence variation in the human genome" |
9:30 | Coffee break and deadline for voting the awards of poster presentations |
9:45 | Dr. Peng, Yongji,Gene Company) "The GeneChip® System: An Integrated Solution for Expression Profiling and DNA Analysis" |
10:00 | Dr.Gharizadeh,Baback(Stanford University, USA) "Recent Developments and Improvements of the Pyrosequencing Technology" |
10:20 | Dr. Zhou, Guohua(Huadong Research Institute for medicine and Biotechnics, China) "A novel sequence-based approach for gene expression analysis” |
10:35 | Dr. Chao, Chen(Northwest University, China.) "The Fe3O4/Au magnetic composite nano-particles and its applications" |
11:00 – 11:30 | Session 6: Poster presentatio |
Chaired by Dr. Zhou, Guohua | |
11:00 | Presentation for Selected Poster-1 ("Nano-scale DNA computing units on a single magnetic bead", Dr. Zhang Zhizhou, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) |
11:10 | Presentation for Selected Poster-2 ("Thin Film Electrode Biosensors with Nanoscale Materials", Dr. Cai, Xinxia,Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) |
11:20 | Presentation for Selected Poster-3 ("Construction of Detection System of Piezoelectric Quartz Oscillation Biosensor Array", Fu, Weilin, Southwest Hospital, China) |
11:30 – 12:15 | Closing Ceremony |
11:30 | Awarding prize to excellent posters |
Dr. Kambara, Hideki | |
11:40 | Closing Remarks |
Dr. Lu, Zuhong (Southeast University, China) | |
12:15 | Lunch |
City sightseeing (Mr. Jin, Zhongliang) |
Program | |
2005-4-24 (Sunday) | Registration (8:00-23:00, BJT) (0:00-15:00, GMT) |
16:00 - 22:00 | Paste Posters |
2005-4-25 (Monday) | Meeting (8:00-18:30, BJT) (0:00-10:30, GMT) |
8:00 - 8:40 | Opening Ceremony |
Opening remarks by Dr. Kambara, Hideki | |
8:40 - 10:20 | Session 1:Proteomics and Related Technologies |
Chaired by Prof Ulf Landegren and Prof Qi Chen | |
8:40 | Professor Mathias Uhlen (Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden) “A Human Protein Atlas for Tissue Profiling” |
9:15 | Professor Mitsuyoshi Ueda (Lab of Biomacromolecular Chemistry, Kyoto University, Japan) “Construction of a novel evaluation system of protein function by molecular display” |
9:40 | Professor William Jia (University of British Columbia, Canada) “Applications of peptide arrays and peptides generated by computer algorithms for study of protein-protein interaction and drug design” |
10:00 | Linsong Li (Peking University, China) "Telomerase-immortalized human neural stem cells in treating of Parkinson’s rats" |
10:20 | Coffee break |
10:30 – 12:15 | Session 2: Proteomics and Related Applications |
Chaired by Prof Linsong Li and Prof Yohda | |
14:00 | Dr. Falick, Aronld M (PhD, Professor, HHMI Mass Spectrometry Lab Dept of Molecular and Cell Biology University of California, USA) “High-throughput identification of Haemophilus ducreyi proteins with 2-D chromatography and tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry” |
14:25 | Dr. Li, Honghua, PhD (Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology and The Cancer Institute of New Jersey UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, USA) “A high-throughput approach to SNP scoring” |
14:45 | Dr. Luo, Guoan (Professor, Analytical Centrer Tsinghua University) “Proteomics on lung cancer in Chinese” |
15:05 | Refreshment Break and Discussion |
15:25 | Dr. Kambara, Hideki (PhD, Senior Chief Scientist, Hitachi, Ltd., Central Research Laboratory) “Gel electrophoresis systems for DNA analysis” |
15:45 | Dr. Arakawa, Hidetoshi (PhD, Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University, Japan) “Development of Chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay for steroids” |
16:00 | Dr. Zhou, Guohua (PhD, Director, Senior Research, Huadong Research Institute for Medicine and Biotechnics, Nanjing Bioengineering (Gene) Technologhy Center for Medicines) “Inexpennsive and Simple SNP typing by Bioluminometric Assay” |
16:15 | Dr.Gharizadeh, Baback (PhD, Department of Biotechnology Center for Physics, Astronomy and Biotechnology Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden) “Long DNA-Sequencing by Pyrosequencing and Applications” |
16:30 | Poster and Exhibit Viewing, Panel Discussion |
18:00 | Buffet Party |
19:30-22:00 | Dance and Enjoyable Party |
2002-4-20 (Saturday) | Meeting (9:00-11:50, BJT) (1:00-2:50, GMT) |
9:00 – 11:50 | Session 3: |
Chaired by Dr. Zhou, Guohua | |
9:00 | Dr. Kitamori, Takehiko (PhD, Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry School of Engineering The University of Tokyo, Japan) “Integrated Micro Bio and Chemical Systems on Chip -High Speed Analysis, Diagnosis, Screening and Synthesis” |
9:40 | Dr. Cheng, Jing (PhD, Professor, Tsinghua University, China) “DNA chip related topic (tentative) ” |
10:00 | Dr. Griffin Peter (PhD, Professor, Stanford University) “Miniaturized DNA analysis device (tentative) ” |
10:10 | Refreshment Break, Poster Exhibit Viewing |
11:10 | Dr. Hlavac, Vasek (Professor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Department of Cybernetics Czech Technical University) “Analysis of gene expression profiles using GEPCLUST tool” |
11:20 | Dr. Lofas, Stefan (PhD, Vice-President and Chief Scientific Officer, Biacore AB, Sweden) “SPR based technology, an indispensable tool for quantitative protein interaction data” |
11:50 – 12:10 | Closing Ceremony |
11:50 | Poster Awards |
Dr. Chao Chen and Dr.Yokokawa: poster awards | |
12:00 | Closing Remarks |
Dr. Mathias Ublen | |
12:10 | Lunch |
13:30 | Visiting the Terro Cotta Warriors And Horses |
19:00-21:30 | Dinner and Entertainment at China’s Premier Cultural Entertainment Theatre Restaurant |
Program | |
2006-9-24 (Sunday) | Registration, Zhejiang Hotel & Lingfeng Hotel |
2006-9-25 (Monday) | Meeting (8:30-17:30), Shao Yifu Science Building in Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University |
8:30 | Opening ceremony (IFPT'4) Chaired by Professor Lequn Huang |
8:50-11:20 | Session 1: Microfluidics and Protein analysis |
8:50 | "Slotted-vial array capillary probe nanoliter-injection system for microfluidic bioanalytical applications", Academician, Professor Zhaolun Fang (Institute of Microanalytical Systems, Chemistry Department, Zhejiang University, China). KEYNOTE LECTURE |
9:20 | "Micro Cell Culture and Assay Systems on Microchips", Professor Takehiko Kitamori (Department of Applied Chemistry School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan). KEYNOTE LECTURE |
9:50 | Taking photo & coffee break |
10:10 | "Electrochemical telomerase assay as a cancer diagnosis", Professor Shigeori Takenaka (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan) |
10:27 | "RNA trap by electric and hydraulic force fields in microfluidic channel", Professor Yuzuru Takamura (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan) |
10:44 | "New Packing Materials for Separation of Biological Molecules and Proteomics Applications", Dr. Xueying huang (Sepax Technologies, Inc. USA) |
11:01 | "Improved peptide sequencing |
11:20-12:20 | Oral Poster Presentation Part-I (3-min each) |
12:20-13:00 | poster (Lobby in Shao Yifu Science Building) |
13:00-13:50 | Buffet lunch (Lobby in Shao Yifu Science Building) |
13:50-14:50 | Oral Poster Presentation Part-II (3-min each) |
14:50-15:40 | poster (Lobby in Shao Yifu Science Building) |
15:40-16:49 | Session 2: Nanotechnology and Miccroarray |
15:40 | "Label-free OWLS assays on the kinetics of cell-attachment: Quantification of cell adhesivity ", Professor Emilia Madarasz (Lab. of Neural Cell and Developmental Biology, Institute of Experimental Medicine of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary) |
16:00 | "Photonic Crystal Beads for Biomolecule Encoding", Professor Zhongze Gu (Southeast University, Nanjing, China) |
16:17 | "Development of Miniaturized Biomolecular Sensor for Detection of Neurotransmitter Molecules", Professor Tsuneo Urisu (Institute for Molecular Science, Japan) |
16:34 | Company lecture |
16:44 | Coffee break |
17:01 | “Materials Design for Gene Delivery System”, Yukio Nagasaki (Tsukuba Research Center for Interdisciplinary Materials Science, University of Tsukuba, Japan) |
17:18 | "Label-free Cell-based Assays Using Electronic Sensor Technology", Dr. Xiao Xu (ACEA Biosciences, USA) |
17:35 | Banquet (Lobby in Shao Yifu Science Building) |
19:00 | Visit to Song Dynasty Town for seeing the traditional Chinese Performance |
2006-9-26 (Tuesday) | Meeting (8:30-15:40), Shao Yifu Science Building in Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University |
8:30-11:33 | Session 3: Analysis of Bio-organic Molecules |
8:30 | "Collection of Human Genome Variation: The Human Variome Project ", Professor R. Cotton (Genomic Disorders Research Centre and Department of Medicine, The University of Melbourne, Australia). KEYNOTE LECTURE |
9:00 | "Genomics and Proteomics of Magnetotactic Bacteria for Nano-Biotechnology", Professor Tadashi Matsunaga (Department of Biotechnology and Life Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan). KEYNOTE LECTURE |
9:25 | "Detection of Biomolecular Recognition Based on Intrinsic Molecular Charges", Professor Yuji Miyahara (Biomaterials Center, National Institute for Materials Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan) |
9:42 | “Antibody screening method based on protein microarray”, Professor Danke Xu (Beijing Proteome Research Center, China) |
9:59 | "Development of SNPs genotyping systems and their applications for pharmacogenomic study", Professor Masafumi Yohda (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan) |
10:16 | Coffee break |
10:30 | "High-throughput Pyrosequencing", Dr. Baback Gharizadeh (Stanford Genome Technology Center, Stanford University, USA) |
10:47 | "Detection of specific RNA by conformational change of recombinant protein", Professor Eiry Kobatake (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) |
11:04 | "Development of a single cell analysis system of agonist for drug discovery", Professor Akihiko Kondo (Kobe University, Japan) |
11:21 | "SNP Detection in Angiotensinogen (AGT) Gene Using Magnetic Nanoparticles With Dual-color Hybridization", Professor Nonyue He (Southeast University, Nanjing, China) |
11:33-12:00 | Oral Poster Presentation Part-III (3-min each) |
12:00-12:40 | poster (Lobby in Shao Yifu Science Building in Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University) |
12:40-13:30 | Buffet lunch (Lobby in Shao Yifu Science Building in Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University) |
13:30-15:40 | Session 4: Proteomics, Bioinformatics, and Diagnostics |
13:30 | “Protein and Phosphoprotein Profiling Strategies”, Professor Erol E. Gulcicek (Yale University, USA). KEYNOTE LECTURE |
13:55 | “New Methods of Mapping Genetic Architecture of Complex Trait”, Professor Jun Zhu (Zhejiang University, China) |
14:15 | "Application of bioinformatic prediction for supporting high-throughput experiments in proteome", Professor Ryuji Kato (Nagoya University, Japan) |
14:32 | "Templex™: Applications in Healthcare Associated Infections", Dr. Jian Han (CEO of Genaco Biomedical Products, Inc., USA) |
14:49 | "Analysis of respiratory activity of single bovine oocytes by scanning electrochemical microscopy", Professor Hiroyuki Abe (Tohoku University Biomedical Engineering Research Organization, Japan) |
15:06 | "New Consideration on Ultra-low-cost Sequencing for the Human Whole Genome", Professor Zuhong Lu (National Lab.for Molecular and Biomolecular Electronics, Southeast University, China.) |
15:26 | Closing Remark by Professor Hideki Kambara (Hitachi Ltd., Japan) |
15:40 | Visit to West Lake |
18:00 | Dinner, Louwailou Restaurant |
2006-9-27 (Wednesday) | Return |
Program | |
2007-9-9 (Sunday) | Registration (Bamboo Grove Hotel, Suzhou) |
Data (poster & PPT file) receiving desk | |
18:00 - 20:00 Welcome Reception | |
2007-9-10 (Monday) | Meeting (8:00-18:00), Siyi-hall in Bamboo Grove Hotel |
8:00 | Opening ceremony by Vice-president Yi Pan of Nanjing University(IFPT'5) |
Chaired by Professor Guohua Zhou | |
8:20-9:45 | Session 1: Microfluidics and Miccroarray |
Chaired by Professor Zuhong Lu and Professor Haruko Takeyama | |
8:20 | KEYNOTE LECTURE-Takehiko Kitamori (The University of Tokyo, Japan) |
8:50 | Chao Chen (Northwest University, Xi’an, China) |
9:05 | Yoshihiro Ito (RIKEN, Japan) |
9:20 | Tsuneo Urisu (Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan) |
9:30 | Hossein Farkhrairad (Gentelligent, USA) |
9:45 | Taking photo & coffee break |
10:05-12:05 | Oral Poster Presentation (3-min each) |
Chaired by Professor Nonyue He | |
12:05-14:00 | Buffet lunch & poster |
14:00-18:00 | Session 2: Nanotechnology and New Technologies (I) |
Chaired by Professor Masafumi Yohda and Professor Yayi Hou | |
14:00 | KEYNOTE LECTURE-Cheng Jing (Tsinghua Univetrsity, Beijing, China) |
14:30 | Baback Gharizadeh (Stanford University, USA) |
14:45 | Wataru Fujibuchi (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan) |
15:00 | Yukio Nagasaki (University of Tsukuba, Japan) |
15:10 | Nongyue He (Southeast University, China) |
15:20 | Haruko Takeyama (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology/Waseda University, Japan) |
15:30 | Han Jian (Hudson Alpha Institute of Biotechnology, USA) |
15:40 | Masafumi Yohda (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan) |
15:50-16:05 | Coffee break |
Session 2: Nanotechnology and New Technologies (II) | |
Chaired by Professor Chao Chen and Dr. Baback Gharizadeh | |
16:05 | KEYNOTE LECTURE-Yi Lu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) |
16:35 | Hua Zichun (Nanjing University, China) |
16:50 | Tooru Ooya (Toyama Prefectural University, Japan) |
17:05 | Zhenping Li (Hebei University, China) |
17:15 | Hitoshi Shiku (Tohoku University, Japan) |
17:25 | Hiroyuki Abe (Tohoku University Biomedical Engineering Research Organization, Japan) |
17:35 | KEYNOTE LECTURE-Lu Zuhong (Southeast University, China) |
18:00 | Banquet (Bamboo Grove Hotel) |
2007-9-11 (Tuesday) | Meeting (8:00-12:05) |
8:00-12:05 | Session 3: Biomolecule Analysis & Bioinformatics (I) |
Chaired by Professor Lequn Huang and Professor Mitsuyoshi Ueda | |
8:00 | KEYNOTE LECTURE-Takeharu Nagai (Nanosystems Physiology in Reserch Insutitute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University, Japan) |
8:30 | Guoan Luo (Tsinghua University, China) |
8:47 | Hidetaka Akita (Hokkaido University, Japan) |
9:02 | Akihiko Kondo (Kobe University, Japan) |
9:17 | Rensheng Lai (Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of TCM) |
9:27 | Yayi Hou (Nanjing University, China) |
9:37 | Shigeori Takenaka (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan) |
9:47 | Guohua Zhou (Huadong Research Institute for Medicine and Biotechnics/Nanjing University, China) |
9:57-10:10 | Coffee break |
Session 3: Biomolecule Analysis & Bioinformatics (II) | |
Chaired by Professor Yukio Nagasaki and Professor Zhongze Gu | |
10:10 | Mitsuyoshi Ueda (Kyoto University, Japan) |
10:25 | Zhongze Gu (Southeast University, China) |
10:40 | Shinichiro Kajiyama (Osaka University, Japan) |
10:55 | Ding Xisheng (The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University) |
11:05 | Keitaro Yoshimoto (University of Tsukuba, Japan) |
11:15 | Jianxin Li (Nanjing University, China) |
11:25 | Masahiro Takagi (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan) |
11:35 | Hideki Kambara (Hitachi Ltd., Japan) |
12:05 | Buffet lunch & poster (Lobby in the hotel Hall) |
13:30 - 18:00 | City Tour in Suzhou |
18:00-19:30 | Dinner (Songhe restaurant) |
19:30-20:30 | Shopping at Guanqian Steet |
20:30 | Return to the meeting Hotel |
2007-9-12 (Wednesday) | Return |
Program | |
2009-9-16 (Wednesday) | Registration (Xijiao Hotel, Beijing) |
Data (poster & PPT file) receiving desk | |
16:30 - 17:30 Pre-meeting (Xijiao Hotel) | |
2009-9-17 (Thursday) | Meeting (8:00-18:25), Xijiao Hotel |
8:00 | Opening Ceremony |
Chaired by Prof . Guoan Luo and Prof. Haruko Takeyama | |
8:20-10:22 | Session 1: Genomic and Proteomic Analysis |
Chaired by Prof. Zuhong Lu and Prof. Masafumi Yohda | |
8:20 | KEYNOTE LECTURE-Yukui ZHANG (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China) |
8:50 | KEYNOTE LECTURE-Kenichi MATSUBARA (DNA Chip Research Inc., Japan) "Application of RNA check: Gene expression profiles of dissected specimen for prediction of metastases of colon cancer" |
9:20 | Chao CHEN (Northwest University, Xi’an, China) "TBA" |
9:40 | Hany NASSEF (Fluidigm Corporation, USA) "Stem cell gene expression profiling and digital detection using a novel, ultrasensitive and highly versatile microfluidic platform." |
9:55 | Chengzhi HUANG (Southwest University, China) "DNA scaffolds for the assembly of nanomaterials" |
10:10 | Hossein Farkhrairad (Stanford Genome Technology Center, USA) |
10:22-10:40 | Taking photo & coffee break |
10:40-12:30 | Session 2: DNA Sequencing |
Chaired by Professor Haruko Takeyama and Professor Chao Chen | |
10:40 | Zuhong LU (Southeast University, China) "New development of low-cost and high-throughput DNA sequencing" |
11:00 | Ren XU (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA) "Putting genome in context: transcriptional regulation in three dimensional ECM microenvironment" |
11:20 | Chiaki OGINO (Kobe University, Japan) "Selection of DNA aptamers using Atomic Force Microscopy" |
11:40 | Baback Gharizadeh (Stanford University, USA) "High Throughput DNA Sequencing, applications and disease investigation" |
11:55 | Qun FANG (Zhejiang University, China) "Fast capillary electrophoresis separation of DNA fragments" |
12:10 | Chunlin WANG (Stanford Genome Technology Center, USA) "New virus discovery with next-generation sequencing" |
12:20 | Guohua ZHOU (Nanjing University / Huadong Research Institute for Medicine and Biotechnics, China) "Detection of DNA sequence variation and expression profiling of mRNA by pyrosequencing coupled with sequence-tagged PCR" |
12:30-13:30 | Buffet lunch & poster |
13:30-15:35 | Session 3: Mass Spectrometry and New Technologies |
Chaired by Prof. Guoan Luo and Dr. Baback Gharizadeh | |
13:30 | KEYNOTE LECTURE-Charles R. Cantor (SEQUENOM, Inc, USA) "Nucleic Acid Mass Spectrometry: A Technique with Unusual Sensitivity and Precision" |
14:00 | KEYNOTE LECTURE- Jing CHENG (Tsinghua Univetrsity, Beijing, China) "The Progress of Biochip Development for Research and Consumer Market" |
14:30 | Lequn HUANG (Nanjing University, China) "Homogeneous detection of DNA sequences based on mass spectrometry in combination with nanoparticles probe" |
14:45 | Qingge LI (Xiamen Univerisity, China) "New developments in mutation detection" |
15:00 | Yoshihiro ITO (RIKEN, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Japan) "Automation for Microarray Analysis" |
15:15 | Jian HAN (Hudson Alpha Institute of Biotechnology, USA) "The development of a multiplex PCR method and an automatic device for molecular differential diagnosis" |
15:25 | Nongyue HE (Southeast University, China) "Current advances in high throughput SNP genotyping based on hybridization on magnetic nanoparticles" |
15:35-16:00 | Coffee break & Poster |
16:00-18:25 | Session 4: Methods and Oral Poster Presentation |
Chaired by Prof. Zhengping LI and Dr. Jian HAN | |
16:00 | Kamran Tahamtanzadeh (PrognosDx Health, Inc.,USA) "PrognosDx Health Tissue-based Epigenetic Test for Predicting Cancer Progression and Response to Therapy" |
16:10 | Shohei Yamamura ( National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan) "Cell microarray chip for the rapid and high-sensitive detection of malaria-infected erythrocytes " |
16:20 | Wataru Fujibuchi (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan) "Designing Pyro-Primer Sequences Using a Simulated Annealing Algorithm, to Critically Target mRNAs in Quantitative Cell Analysis" |
16:30 | Blake Cesarin (Thermo Fisher SCIENTIFIC, USA) "Total HCS solution: New Cellomics platform" |
16:40-18:25 | Oral poster presentation (35*3min) |
18:30 | Banquet (Xijiao Hotel) |
20:00 | Poster |
2009-9-18 (Friday) | Meeting (8:00-12:30) |
8:00-10:15 | Session 5: Single-cell analysis & Stem cell |
Chaired by Prof. Mitsuyoshi UEDA and Prof. Qun FANG | |
8:00 | KEYNOTE LECTURE-Hideki KAMBARA (Hitachi Ltd. /Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan) "Development of DNA Analysis Technologies--What comes next--" |
8:30 | KEYNOTE LECTURE-Qingbo XU (St George’s Hospital Medical School, UK) "Stem Cell Proteomics and Cardiovascular Diseases" |
9:00 | Sten LINNARSSON (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden) "Embryology at the single-cell level: gene expression, lineage, and cell identity" |
9:20 | Mikako SAITO (Institute of Symbiotic Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan) "Single-Cell Technology for Regenerative Cell Engineering" |
9:40 | Toshihisa MIZUNO (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan) "Construction of the Stimuli-dependent Natural Protein Mutants Using the De Novo Designed Ligand-responsible alpha-Helical Coiled-coil" |
10:00 | Hitoshi SHIKU (Tohoku University, Japan) "Development of multi-functional probes for gene expression analysis at single cell level" |
10:15-10:25 | Coffee break |
10:25-12:21 | Session 6: Biomolecule Analysis & Microfludics |
Chaired by Professor Chengzhi HUANG and Prof. Sten LINNARSSON | |
10:25 | Dong-Pyo KIM (Chungnam National University, Korea) "Novel Polymeric Microfluidic Devices for Bio & Chemical Applications" |
10:45 | Takashi OHTSUKI (Okayama University, Japan) "Applications of peptide nucleic acids for RNA purification, RNA detection, and intracellular RNA delivery" |
11:05 | Jun QU (University at Buffalo, State University of New York) "Accurate and precise profiling of pathological proteomes by utilization of high resolution nano-LC/Orbitrap/ETD" |
11:25 | Zhenping LI (Hebei University, China) "Homogenous detection of microRNAs using cationic conjugated polymers and Branched Rolling-circle Amplification" |
11:37 | Masahiro TAKAGI (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan) "Construction of Asymmetric Cell-Sized Lipid Vesicles from Lipid-Coated Water-in-Oil Microdroplets" |
11:49 | Zhiyong WU (Northeastern University, China) "Simple, cheap and practical chip for bio-analysis of post genome age" |
12:01 | Guoan LUO (Tsinghua University, China) "Modern Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Post-genome Era" |
12:21-12:36 | Ceremony for awarding poster-prize and Closing remark Chaired by Dr. Uchida KENKO from Hitachi Ltd., Japan |
12:36 | Buffet lunch |
13:30 - 18:00 | City Tour in Beijing |
18:00-19:30 | Dinner (Xijiao Hotel) |
2009-9-19 (Saturday) | 8:30-17:30 Optional sightseeing (assemble in the Xijiao-Hotel hall) |
9:00-12:00 Optional Lab-tour (assemble in the Xijiao-Hotel hall) |
Program | |
2011-10-27 (Thurasday) | Registration (10:00-22:30) PLACE: Hotel Lobby, 1st floor, Haiyu Hotel |
Pickup service could be available in Chongqing airport during 10:00-22:00 | |
Pre-meeting (Scientific Committee Member, 20:00 - 21:30) PLACE: Keyu meeting room, 3rd floor, Haiyu Hot Spring Hotel | |
2011-10-28 AM (Friday) | Meeting (8:00-12:58)PLACE: International meeting hall, 3rd floor, Haiyu Hot Spring Hotel |
8:00 | Opening ceremony |
Chaired by Prof. Guohua Zhou and Prof. Chengzhi Huang | |
8:20 | Taking photo & coffee break |
8:35-11:10 | Session 1: Single-cell Analysis & Modern Natural Products |
Chaired by Prof. Zuhong Lu and Prof. Haruko Takeyama | |
8:35 | Keynote leture-Hideki KAMBARA "Tools for Gene Expression Analysis of Single-Cells" |
9:00 | Xiangfu KONG “Molecular targets for liver cancer and treatment with TCM” |
9:25 | Guoan LUO (Tsinghua University, China) "Systems Biology for the research of TCM" |
9:43 | Eiichi TAMIYA (Osaka University, Japan)"Nanostructured metal biosensing systems based on LSPR for label-free and multiplex biosensors and SERS for single cell analyses" |
10:01 | Dirk Loeffert (Qiagen Inc. USA)"Accessing genomic information from a single cell" |
10:14 | Qun FANG (Zhejiang University, China)"Automated Droplet-based Microfluidic Systems for High-throughput Screening and Single Cell Analysis" |
10:27 | Sten LINNARSSON (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)"Counting every mRNA molecule in single cells reveals allometric scaling of the transcriptome" |
10:42 | Mats GULLBERG (Olink Bioscience, Sweden)"Quantitative analysis and visualization of transient regulatory protein modifications and interactions in single cells using Duolink" |
10:57 | Bjorn ONFELT(Karolinska Institute,Sweden)"Natural killer cell immune surveillance at the single cell level" |
11:10-11:20 | Coffee break |
11:20-13:00 | Session 2: Molecular Diagnosis & Separation Technique |
Chaired by Prof. Chengzhi Huang and Prof. Masafumi Yohda | |
11:20 | Keynote leture-Charles R. CANTOR (SEQUENOM, Inc, USA)" Noninvasive Personalized Genomics" |
11:45 | Jun HAGINAKA (Mukogawa Women's University, Japan) "Monodispersed molecularly imprinted polymers for affinity-based separation and extraction" |
12:03 | Yunbao JIANG ( Xiamen Univerisity, China)"Chirality Transfer in Peptide based N-Amidothioreas" |
12:21 | Jianhua WANG (Northeastern University, China)"Carbon Nanostructures as Adsorbents for the Isolation of Proteins from Biological Samples" |
12:39 | Fengtian HE (Third Military Medical University, China)"The roles of FXR in cardiovascular diseases" |
12:54 | Wei LIN (Life Technologies Inc. China)"Ion Torrent – Revolutionary Sequencing Technology" |
13:00-14:00 | Buffet lunch & poster (Haishang Renjian Western Restaurant, Haiyu Hot Spring Hotel) |
2011-10-28 PM (Friday) | Meeting (14:00-18:40) PLACE: Hailiang meeting room, 3rd floor, Haiyu Hot Spring Hotel |
14:00-15:35 | Session 3: New Methods for Genetic Analysis |
Chaired by Prof. Zhengping LI and Dr. Jian HAN | |
14:00 | Nongyue HE (Southeast University, China)"Application of magnetic nanoparticles in high-throughput single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and copy number variations (CNVs) " |
14:15 | Kai LI (Soochow University, China)"Application of proofreading polymerase in genetic analysis" |
14:30 | Guohua Zhou (Nanjing University/Huadong Research Institute for Medicine and Biotechnics, China)"Pyrosequencing on a single cell" |
14:43 | Yong ZHANG (Xiamen Univerisity, China)"The Effects of Nano-Ag on the Adsorption of An onto Kandelia Candel (Kc) Leaves" |
14:56 | Lizhou SUN (The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, China)"Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α upregulates progesterone receptor-A by activating the NF-κBsignaling pathway in human decidua after labor onset" |
15:09 | Jiong LI ( Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics, China)"Microarray-based high-throughput label-free miRNA expression profiling from total RNA" |
15:22-15:35 | Coffee break & Poster |
15:35-16:55 | Session 4: Microfludics and Nanotechnologies |
Chaired by Prof. Kai Li and Prof. Yong Zhang | |
15:35 | Bifeng LIU (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)"Neuronal analysis of C. elegans on a microfluidic chip" |
2011-10-28 PM (Friday) | Meeting (14:00-18:40) PLACE: Tianjie meeting room, 3rd floor, Haiyu Hot Spring Hotel |
14:00-15:35 | Session 6 (China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Natural Medicines) |
Chaired by Prof. Boli Zhang and Prof. Luqi Huang (13:30-15:35) | |
14:00 | Prof. Tohru Dairi (Hokkaido University, Japan) "A new menaquinone biosynthetic pathway, diversity of the early step of the pathway" |
14:20 | Prof. Zhongming Qian (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China) |
14:35 | Prof. Shilin Chen (Chinese academy of medical sciences, China) |
14:47 | Prof. Sibao Chen (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China)"Research on Hong Kong standards of traditional Chinese medicine" |
14:59 | Prof. Dong-Soo Shin (Changwon National University, Korea)"Efficient Approach to Synthesis of Novel Heterocycles" |
15:12 | Prof. Bochu wang (Chongqing University, China)"Metal complexes from nature compounds interacting with survivin promoter with GC-rich bases" |
15:22-15:35 | Coffee break & Poster |
15:35-16:55 | Session 7 (China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Natural Medicines) |
Chaired by Zhongming Qian and Prof. Tohru Dairi | |
15:35 | Prof. Luqi Huang (China Academy of Chinese Medical Science, China) |
15:50 | Prof. Daniel Kam Wah Mok (The Hong Kong Department of Health, Senior researcher , Identification of precious Chinese materia medica , China) |
16:04 | Prof. HO Chui Kwan Joyce (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China) "Research on puerarin new oral dosage forms" |
16:18 | Prof. Pengfei Tu (Peking University, China) |
16:33 | Prof. Guoyue Zhong (Chongqing Academy of Chinese Materia Medica, China) |
16:47-16:55 | Coffee break & Poster |
16:55-18:40 | Session 8 (China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Natural Medicines) |
Chaired by Prof. Guoyue Zhong and Prof. Dong-Soo Shin | |
16:55 | Prof. Jianhui Rong (The University of Hong Kong, China)"Biological response fingerprinting (BioReF) approach for genome-wide selection of multiple signature genes as novel quality control of herbal medicine formulations" |
17:07 | Prof. Xuegang Li (Southwest University, China)"The Comprehensive Utilization of Huanglian in Shizhu" |
17:19 | Prof. Zhengtao Wang (Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China) |
17:31 | Prof. Xiaohe Xiao (China Military Institute Of Chinese Materia Medica, China) |
17:43 | Prof. Young-whan Choi ( Pusan National University, Korea )"Identification of two novel sesquiterpenes from Schisandra chinensis with anti-inflammatory effect" |
17:55 | Dr. AU Ching Tung Dawn (Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) |
18:05 | Prof. Chengzhi Huang (Southwest University, China )"Apatmer based analytics of biochemicals and pharmaceuticals" |
18:15 | Prof. Yang Song (Southwest University, China )"The Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species during Polychlorinated Biphenyl Metabolism in HepG2 Cells" |
2011-10-29 (Saturday) | Meeting (8:00-13:11)PLACE: International hall, 3rd floor, Haiyu Hot Spring Hotel |
8:00-10:00 | Session 9: Personalized Medicine & Molecular diagnosis |
Chaired by Prof. Tamiya and Prof. Nongyue He | |
8:00 | Keynote leture- Honghao ZHOU (Central South University,China)"Translating Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics into Personalized Medicine" |
8:25 | Raymond ANDERSEN (University of British Columbia, Canada)"Bioactive Marine Natural Products: Drug Leads and Cell Biology Tools" |
8:43 | Kazuhiro IMAI ( Faculty of Pharmacy Musashino University, Japan)"A Future of FD-LC-MS/MS method for Proteomics Analysis " |
9:01 | Zhengping LI (Hebei University, China)"Highly sensitive detection of microRNAs by using techniques of nucleic acid amplification" |
9:16 | Ali MOSHFEGH (Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden)"Gene expression analysis using long-term preserved formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue of non-small cell lung cancer" |
9:31 | Takeyama HARUKO (Waseda University, Japan)"Application of environmental genome resources and the single cell based technology" |
9:46-10:00 | Coffee break & Poster |
10:00-11:37 | Session 10: Metabolic Analysis & Aptamer |
10:18 | Eiichiro FUKUSAKI (Osaka University, Japan)"Metabolomics and its application to high resolution phenotype analysis" |
10:36 | Jinming LIN (Tsinghuan University, China)"Development of Analytical Methods for Cell Culture and Metabolism Based on Combination of Microfluidic Devices and Mass Spectrometry" |
10:54 | Junsheng LIN (Wallaceville Anamal Research Center, New Zealand)"Bio-applications of Aptamer" |
11:09 | Huangxian JU (Nanjing University, China)"Specific assay and dynamic monitoring of cell surface carbohydrates" |
11:27 | Coffee break & Poster |
11:37-13:07 | Session 11: DNA Sequencing & Related Technologies |
Chaired by Prof. Qian Gao and Dr. Dirk Loeffert | |
11:37 | Qian GAO (Nanjing University, China)"The isolated familiar PSP caused by Alu-mediated FLCN intragenic large deletions" |
11:52 | Jian HAN (Hudson Alpha Institute for Biotechnology, USA)"High Throughput Sequencing of Immune Repertoire for Biomarker Discovery" |
12:07 | Masafumi YOHDA (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)"Monodispersed molecularly imprinted polymers for affinity-based separation and extraction" |
12:22 | Chunlin WANG (Stanford Genome Technology Center, USA)"Sequencing our enzymes, sequencing ourselves" |
12:37 | Zuhong LU (Southeast University, China)"Some Progresses on AG®New generation of DNA Sequencers" |
12:55 | Ceremony for awarding poster-prize and closing remarkChaired by Yuichiro Nakaya from Hitachi |
13:07 | Buffet lunch ( Haishang Renjian Western Restaurant, Haiyu Hot Spring Hotel) |
14:00-18:30 | City Tour in Chongqing |
18:30-20:00 | Buffet Supper (Pipa Yuan Hot Pot Restaurant, 500m outside of Haiyu Hot Spring Hotel) |
Program | |
2012-11-27 (Tuesday) | |
9:00 - 9:05 | Opening Remark KAMBARA, Hideki (Hitachi Ltd., Japan) |
Session 1: Imaging Technology and MEMS | |
9:05 - 9:30 | MATSUNAGA, Tadashi (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan) |
9:30 - 9:55 | CHIU, Daniel (Washington University, USA) |
9:55-10:20 | KITAMORI, Takehiko (The University of Tokyo, Japan) |
10:20-10:40 | Invited Lecture (from Nagai group) |
10:40-10:55 | Break |
12:00-12:30 | Poster Short Presentation 1 (1 min x 30) |
12:30-14:00 | Poster Presentation 1 with Lunch |
Session 2: Molecular Tools for Single-Cell Analysis | |
14:00-14:25 | BOXER, Steven (Stanford University, USA) |
14:25-14:50 | LANDEGREN, Ulf (Uppsala University, Sweden) |
14:50-15:10 | HAMACHI, Itaru (Kyoto University, Japan) |
15:10-15:30 | Invited Lecture (from China) |
15:30-15:40 | 10 min Presentation |
15:40-15:50 | 10 min Presentation |
15:50-16:10 | Break |
Session 3: Omics 1 | |
16:10-16:35 | TANAKA, Koichi (Shimadzu, Japan) |
16:35-17:00 | MELDRUM, Deirdre (Arizona State University, USA) |
17:00-17:20 | UEDA, Mitsuyoshi (Kyoto University, Japan) |
17:20-17:40 | KONDO, Akihiko (Kobe University, Japan) |
17:40-18:00 | FUKUSAKI, Eiichiro (Osaka University, Japan) |
18:00-20:00 | Evening Chat UEDA, Mitsuyoshi (Kyoto University, Japan) |
2012-11-28 (Wednesday) | |
Session 4: Omics 2 | |
9:00 - 9:25 | SHIRAI, Masataka (Hitachi Ltd., Japan) |
9:25 - 9:50 | YAMATO, Masayuki (Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Japan) |
9:50-10:10 | LINNARSSON, Sten (Karolinska Institute, Sweden) |
10:10-10:30 | Invited Lecture (from China) |
10:30-10:40 | 10 min Presentation |
10:40-10:50 | 10 min Presentation |
10:50-11:05 | Break |
Session 5: Developmental and Medical Applications 1 | |
11:05-11:30 | YAMANAKA, Shinya (Kyoto University, Japan) |
11:30-11:55 | JAOKO, Walter (Kenya AIDS Vaccine Initiative, Kenya) |
11:55-12:00 | Break |
12:00-12:30 | Poster Short Presentation 2 (1 min x 30) |
12:30-14:00 | Poster Presentation 2 with Lunch |
Session 5: Developmental and Medical Applications 2 | |
14:00-14:25 | OCHIYA, Takahiro (National Cancer Research Institute, Japan) |
14:25-14:50 | NELSON, Alan (Arizona State University, USA) |
14:50-15:10 | HAN, Jian (Hadson Research Institute in Alabama, USA) |
15:10-15:30 | TAMIYA, Eiichi (Osaka University, Japan) |
15:30-15:40 | Break |
15:40-16:00 | SAITOU, Mitinori (Kyoto University, Japan) |
16:00-16:20 | Invited Lecture (YOMO, Tetsuya from Osaka University) |
16:20-16:30 | 10 min Presentation |
16:30-16:40 | 10 min Presentation |
16:40-16:50 | Poster Award Ceremony KAMBARA, Hideki (Hitachi Ltd., Japan) |
16:50-17:00 | Closing Remark BOXER, Steven (Stanford University, USA) |
Program | |
2013-11-6 (Wednesday) | Registration (Donghua Jiayue Hotel, Shenzhen) |
15:00 - 21:00 | Data (poster & PPT file) receiving desk |
15:00 - 21:00 | Paste Posters (Gaoxin Virtual University Park Building) |
2013-11-7 (Thursday) | Gathering at the front door of Donghua Jiayue Hotel at 7:30, and riding to Gaoxin Virtual University Park Building together. |
Meeting (8:10-18:00a) Gaoxin Virtual University Park Building | |
8:10 | Opening Ceremony |
Chaired by Professor Guohua Zhou | |
8:25 | Taking Photo At the front door of Gaoxin Virtual University Park Building |
8:40 - 10:30 | Session 1-1: Single-cell Analysis |
Chaired by Prof. Zuhong Lu and Prof. Nelson Tang | |
8:40 | KEYNOTE LECTURE-Hideki KAMBARA (Hitachi Ltd. /Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)"Gene Expression Analysis for Single-cells by sequencing mRNA with a bead based cDNA library" |
9:00 | Nelson TANG (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)"Determination Of Gene Expression Levels Of A Cell Type In A Cell Mixture Sample, E.G. Whole Blood" |
9:16 | Bifeng LIU (Huazhong University of Science & Technoloty, China)"A New Vision to Single Cell Omic Analysis" |
9:32 | Chunyang ZHANG (Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)"Single-Molecule Detection and Its Biomedical Application" |
9:48 | Qun FANG (Zhejiang University, China)"Sequential Operation Droplet Array System for Single Cell Analysis" |
10:04 | Xingzheng WU (Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan)"Deflection method of a probe beam and its application in hazard identification on a single cell level" |
10:20 | Coffee Break |
10:30 - 11:50 | Session 1-2: Single-cell Analysis |
Chaired by Prof. Bifeng Liu and Prof. Qun Fang | |
10:30 | Sijia LU (Yikon Genomics Co. Ltd., China)"Single Cell whole genome and transcriptome amplification and sequencing" |
10:46 | Masahito HOSOKAWA (Waseda University, Japan)"High-density microcavity array for rare cell detection and single-cell analysis " |
11:02 | Haruo TAKABAYASHI |
11:18 | Qihui SHI (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)"Single-cell proteomic chip for characterizing signaling network and guiding targeted therapy" |
11:34 | Nongyue HE (Southeast University, China)"Current advances in high throughput and integrated SNPs detection platform based on magnetic nanoparticles array" |
11:50 | Michael RHODES (Nanostring Technologies, USA)"TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE; Moving from NGS results to Gene Signature |
12:10 | Buffet lunch (Gaoxin Virtual University Park Building) |
13:00 | Poster Presentation |
13:30 -16:00 | Session 2-1: Nanotechnologies |
Chaired by Prof. Chaoyong Yang and Prof. Aiguo Wu | |
13:30 | KEYNOTE LECTURE-Xiaogang Liu (National University of Singapore)"Upconversion Nanocrystals: A New Class of Luminescent Bioprobes Xiaogang Liu" |
13:50 | Aiguo WU (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China)"Biomedical Theranostic Agents Based on Metal Oxide Nanoparticles at NIMTE" |
14:06 | Jinming LIN (Tsinghua University, China)"Development of Cell Analysis Methods Using Microfluidic Device Combined with Mass Spectrometer" |
14:22 | Chaoyong YANG (Xiamen University, China)"A High Throughput Single-Molecule Counting Method for Digital Enzyme Detection" |
14:38 | Jianhua WANG (Northeastern University, China)"Protein Isolation from Complex Sample Matrixes on the Basis of Ionic Liquid and Nanoscale Carbon Materials" |
14:54 | Quanjun LIU (Southeast University, China)" Characterization of biopolymers and nanoparticles using solid-state nanopores" |
15:10 | Danke XU (Nanjing University, China)"Development of Metal-Enhanced Fluorescent Detection Methods Based on Silver Nanoparticles" |
15:26 | Shusheng ZHANG (Qingdao University of Science & Technology, China)"Ultrasensitive Detection of cancer biomarker using surface plasmon resonance and quartz crystal microbalance sensors based on rolling circle amplification" |
15:42 | Guohua ZHOU (Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University, China)"TubeLab: An ultra-sensitive DNA detection in a single tube" |
15:58 | Coffee Break |
16:10 - 18:00 | Session 2-2: Nanotechnologies and Poster presenation |
Chaired by Prof.Chunyang Zhang and Prof. Quanjun Liu | |
16:10 | Jingjuan XU (Nanjing University, China)"Two-Marker And Two-Signal Detection Strategies On Functional Interface" |
16:26 | Xuemei Wang (Southeast University, China)"Highly Sensitive Recognition of Cancer Cells Based on New Nanoscaled Molecular Probes" |
16:42 | Yao HE (Suzhou University, China)"Silicon nanotechnology for biological/biomedical analysis and detection" |
16:58 | Oral Poster Presentation Part-I (3-min each) |
18:00 | Gathering at the front door of Gaoxin Virtual University Park Building l at 18:00, and riding to Donghua Jiayue Hotel together. |
2013-11-8 (Friday) | Gathering at the front door of Donghua Jiayue Hotel at 7:30, and riding to Gaoxin Virtual University Park Building together. |
Meeting (8:10-12:00) Gaoxin Virtual University Park Building | |
8:10 - 10:02 | Session 3-1: Novel methods for bioaassay |
Chaired by Prof. Zhengping Li and Prof.Shusheng Zhang | |
8:10 | Yunbao JIANG (Xiamen University, China)"Chirality Expression in Dipeptide Based N-Amidothioureas" |
8:26 | Zhengping LI (Hebei University, China)"Ultrasensitive multiplexed microRNA detection using ligation-based amplification" |
8:42 | Jianxin LI (Nanjing University, China)"A metabonomic approach toward the compatibility of traditional chinese medicine" |
8:58 | Qionglin LIANG (Tsinghua University, China) “Bio-/phram-lab on a chip” |
9:14 | XueMei LI (Linyi University,China)"Enzyme-free amplified detection of nucleic acids based on self-sustained replication of RNAzyme and its application in tumor cell detection" |
9:30 | Jian HAN (Hudson Alpha Institute for Biotechnology,USA) "R10K Update: NGS of immune repertoire for biomarker discoveries" |
9:46 | Huangxian Ju (Nanjing University, China)"Signal Amplification for Bioanalysis" |
10:02 | Coffee Break |
10:15 - 12:10 | Session 3-2: Novel methods for bioassay |
Chaired by Prof.Huangxian Ju and Prof.Yunbao Jiang | |
10:15 | KEYNOTE LECTURE-Takehiko Kitamori (The University of Tokyo, Japan)Surface Modification of Extended-Nano Fluidic Devices and femto-Liter Immunoassay |
10:45 | Takeaki OZAWA (The University of Tokyo, Japan)"Fluorescence and Bioluminescence Imaging of Biological Functions Using Split-Reporter Reconstitution Analysis" |
11:01 | Xiaohui LUAN (Illumina Ltd., USA) “RNA-Seq with latest NGS technology progress” |
11:17 | Yohda MASAFUMI (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)"Reconstruction of the genome sequences of Dehalococcoides spp. from the metagenomes of bacterial consortia that dechlorinate cis-1,2-dichloroethene to ethene using a single molecule sequencer" |
11:33 | Zuhong LU (Peking University, China) “Progress in Development AG High-Throughput DNA Sequencer” |
11:49 | Closing Remark |
12:15 | Buffet lunch (Gaoxin Virtual University Park Building) |
13:00 | Gathering at the front door of Gaoxin Virtual University Park Building l at 13:00, and riding to Donghua Jiayue Hotel together. |
13:30 | City Tour in Shenzhen (splendid china) |
18:30 | Dinner and shopping in downtown |
20:30 | Return to the Donghua Jiayue Hotel |
Program | |
2021-10-22 (Friday) | Meeting (8:30-17:05, BJT) (0:30-9:05, GMT) |
8:30 - 9:00 | Opening Ceremony |
Chaired by Prof.Guohua Zhou | |
Opening speech: Prof. Zuhong Lu | |
Welcome speech: Prof. Hideki Kambara | |
9:00 - 10:20 | Session 1: |
Chaired by Prof. Guohua Zhou and Prof. Yunfei Bai | |
9:00 | PLENARY LECTURE - Prof.Hideki Kambara (Honorary Fellow of Hitachi Ltd., President of frontierbiosystems.Inc, Japan) “The development of DNA related technologies”DNA相关技术的发展 |
9:30 | Prof. Xianjun Dong (Harvard Medical School; Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA) “Decoding the dark matters in the human genome”解码人类基因组中的暗物质 |
9:55 | Prof. Hanchuan Peng (Institute for Brain and Intelligence, Southeast University, China) “Whole Brain Analysis of Single Neurons”单个神经元的全脑分析 |
10:20 | Break |
10:30 - 11:45 | Session 2: |
Chaired by Prof. Yukio Nagasaki and Dr. Okeyo Kennedy Omondi | |
10:30 | Prof. Yukio Nagasaki (University of Tsukuba, Japan) “Novel drug development based on self-assembly”基于自组装的新药开发 |
10:55 | Prof. Jian Xu (Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) “Ramanome, FlowRACS and RACS-Seq: linking single-cell metabolic phenome and genome for synthetic biology and precision medicine” 连接单细胞代谢表型和基因组用于合成生物学和精准医学 |
11:20 | Dr. Okeyo Kennedy Omondi (Institute of Frontier Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan) “Discerning the differentiation potential of human pluripotent stem cells by modulating the adhesion microenvironment” 通过调节粘附微环境识别人类多能干细胞的分化潜能” |
11:45 | Lunch Break |
13:30 - 15:15 | Session 3: |
Chaired by Prof. Zuhong Lu and Prof. Xiangwei Zhao | |
13:30 | PLENARY LECTURE - Prof. Jun Yu (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), China) "Genomics and Human Life: Challenges from Technology and Intelligence" 基因组学与人类生活:来自技术和智能的挑战 |
14:00 | Prof. Zuhong Lu (State Key Laboratory for Bioelectronics, Southeast University, China) “Deciphering the reef-building coral systems from the genomes and single-cell transcriptomes”从基因组和单细胞转录组解读造礁珊瑚系统” |
14:25 | Prof. Xiangwei Zhao (State Key Laboratory of bioelectronics, School of biological Science and Medical engineering, Southeast University, China) “Microscopic sampling based spatial transcriptomics at single cell scale” 基于显微采样的单细胞尺度空间转录组学 |
14:50 | Prof. Hiroyuki Noji (The University of Tokyo, Japan) “Digitization of bioassays”生物测定数字化 |
15:15 | Break |
15:25 - 17:05 | Session 4: Chaired by Prof. Lingqian Chang and Dr. Xiaoliang Sun |
15:25 | Dr. Xiaoliang Sun (Department of Molecular Systems Biology, University of Vienna, Austria) “Inverse Data-Driven Modeling and Multiomics Analysis Reveals Phgdh as a Metabolic Checkpoint of Macrophage Polarization and Proliferation” 逆向数据驱动建模和多组学分析揭示 Phgdh 作为巨噬细胞极化和增殖的代谢检查点” |
15:50 | Prof. Weipeng Wang (College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Soochow University, China) “A pre-microRNA polymorphism contributes to cancer occurrence, development, therapeutic response, and neurotoxicity” 前微RNA多态性有助于癌症的发生、发展、治疗反应和神经毒性 |
16:15 | Prof. Lingqian Chang (Beihang University, China) “Nano Electroporation: Gene Manipulation in Single Cell” 纳米电穿孔:单细胞中的基因操作” |
16:40 | Dr. Yong Hou (BGI-Shenzhen, China) “Large field of view-spatially resolved transcriptomics at nanoscale resolution” 纳米级分辨率的大视野空间分辨转录组学 |
2021-10-23 (Saturday) | Meeting (8:30-17:00, BJT) (0:30-9:00, GMT) |
8:30 - 10:10 | Session 5: |
Chaired by Prof. Yao Yang and Prof. Jian Han | |
8:30 | Prof. Yao Yang (Stanford University School of Medicine, USA) “Application of Long-read Sequencing in Pharmacogenetics Research and Clinical Genetic Testing” 长读长测序在药物遗传学研究和临床基因检测中的应用 |
8:55 | Prof. Jian Han (HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, USA) “Adaptome: NGS of T and B cell receptor for biomarker development” Adaptome:用于生物标志物开发的 T 细胞和 B 细胞受体的 NGS” |
9:20 | Prof. Rong Fan (Department of Biomedical Engineering Yale University, USA) “Spatial Multi-Omics Sequencing at Tissue Scale and Cellular Level” 组织尺度和细胞水平的空间多组学测序 |
9:45 | Dr. Zongtai Qi (Washington University School of Medicine, USA) “Self-reporting transposons enable simultaneous readout of gene expression and transcription factor binding in single cells” 自我报告的转座子能够同时读出单个细胞中的基因表达和转录因子结合” |
10:10 | Break |
10:20 - 11:35 | Session 6: |
Chaired by Prof. Eiichi Tamiya and Prof. Masahito Hosokawa | |
10:20 | Prof. Eiichi Tamiya (Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Japan) “Single cell devices for novel immunological diagnosis” 用于新型免疫学诊断的单细胞装置 |
10:45 | Prof. Masahito Hosokawa (Waseda University, Japan) “Development of technologies for single-cell genome sequencing of uncultured microbes” 未培养微生物单细胞基因组测序技术的开发 |
11:10 | Prof. Huangxian Jv (State Key Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry for Life Science, Nanjing University, China) “Theragnostic of Cancer with Gene Recognition” 基因识别癌症诊断 |
11:35 | Lunch Break |
14:00 - 15:15 | Session 7: |
Chaired byProf. Fumihito Miura and Prof. Bingjie Zou | |
14:00 | Prof. Fumihito Miura (Kyushu University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Japan) “Toward overlaying multiple epigenomes on the methylome” 在甲基化组上覆盖多个表观基因组 |
14:25 | Prof. Ruirui Qiao (The University of Queensland, Australia) “Polymeric/inorganic nanohybrids: attractive materials as molecular imaging probes” 聚合物/无机纳米杂化物:作为分子成像探针的有吸引力的材料 |
14:50 | Prof. Bingjie Zou (School of Pharmacy, China Pharmaceutical University, China) “Structure recognition endonuclease-based colorimetric detection of nucleic acids” 基于结构识别核酸内切酶的核酸比色检测 |
15:15 | Break |
15:25 - 16:45 | Session 8: Chaired by Prof. Huangxian Jv and Prof. Jing He |
15:25 | Prof. Guohua Zhou (Medical School of Nanjing University, China) “A rapid and highly sensitive method for multiplexed detection of single protein molecules” 一种快速、高灵敏度的单一蛋白质分子多重检测方法 |
15:50 | Prof. Jing He (Oxford University, UK) “Graph isomorphism based Structural Similarity Measurement and Its Applications with Covid-19 Genome Sequencing” 基于图同构的结构相似性测量及其在 Covid-19 基因组测序中的应用 |
16:15 | PLENARY LECTURE –Prof. Ulf Landegren (Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University, Sweden) "Molecular tools for biomarker analysis" 用于生物标志物分析的分子工具 |
16:45 - 17:00 | Closing Remark Chaired by Prof. Huangxian Jv Closing Speech: Prof. Guohua Zhou |
Program | |
2021-10-22 (Friday) | Meeting (8:30-17:05, BJT) (0:30-9:05, GMT) |
8:30 - 9:00 | Opening Ceremony |
Chaired by Prof.Guohua Zhou | |
Opening speech: Prof. Zuhong Lu | |
Welcome speech: Prof. Hideki Kambara | |
9:00 - 10:20 | Session 1: |
Chaired by Prof. Guohua Zhou and Prof. Yunfei Bai | |
9:00 | PLENARY LECTURE - Prof. Hideki Kambara (Honorary Fellow of Hitachi Ltd., President of frontierbiosystems.Inc, Japan) “The development of DNA related technologies” |
9:30 | Prof. Xianjun Dong (Harvard Medical School; Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA) “Decoding the dark matters in the human genome” |
9:55 | Prof. Hanchuan Peng (Institute for Brain and Intelligence, Southeast University, China) “Whole Brain Analysis of Single Neurons” |
10:20 | Break |
10:30 - 11:45 | Session 2: |
Chaired by Prof. Yukio Nagasaki and Dr. Okeyo Kennedy Omondi | |
10:30 | Prof. Yukio Nagasaki (University of Tsukuba, Japan) “Novel drug development based on self-assembly” |
10:55 | Prof. Jian Xu (Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) “Ramanome, FlowRACS and RACS-Seq: linking single-cell metabolic phenome and genome for synthetic biology and precision medicine” |
11:20 | Dr. Okeyo Kennedy Omondi (Institute of Frontier Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan) “Discerning the differentiation potential of human pluripotent stem cells by modulating the adhesion microenvironment” |
11:45 | Lunch Break |
13:30 - 15:15 | Session 3: |
Chaired by Prof. Zuhong Lu and Prof. Xiangwei Zhao | |
13:30 | PLENARY LECTURE - Prof. Jun Yu (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), China) "Genomics and Human Life: Challenges from Technology and Intelligence" |
14:00 | Prof. Zuhong Lu (State Key Laboratory for Bioelectronics, Southeast University, China) “Deciphering the reef-building coral systems from the genomes and single-cell transcriptomes” |
14:25 | Prof. Xiangwei Zhao (State Key Laboratory of bioelectronics, School of biological Science and Medical engineering, Southeast University, China) “Microscopic sampling based spatial transcriptomics at single cell scale” |
14:50 | Prof. Hiroyuki Noji (The University of Tokyo, Japan) “Digitization of bioassays” |
15:15 | Break |
15:25 - 17:05 | Session 4: |
Chaired by Prof. Lingqian Chang and Dr. Xiaoliang Sun | |
15:25 | Dr. Xiaoliang Sun (Department of Molecular Systems Biology, University of Vienna, Austria) “Inverse Data-Driven Modeling and Multiomics Analysis Reveals Phgdh as a Metabolic Checkpoint of Macrophage Polarization and Proliferation” |
15:50 | Prof. Weipeng Wang (College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Soochow University, China) “A pre-microRNA polymorphism contributes to cancer occurrence, development, therapeutic response, and neurotoxicity” |
16:15 | Prof. Lingqian Chang (Beihang University, China) “Nano Electroporation: Gene Manipulation in Single Cell” |
16:40 | Dr. Yong Hou (BGI-Shenzhen, China) “Large field of view-spatially resolved transcriptomics at nanoscale resolution” |
2021-10-23 (Saturday) | Meeting (8:30-17:00, BJT) (0:30-9:00, GMT) |
8:30 - 10:10 | Session 5: |
Chaired by Prof. Yao Yang and Prof. Jian Han | |
8:30 | Prof. Yao Yang (Stanford University School of Medicine, USA) “Application of Long-read Sequencing in Pharmacogenetics Research and Clinical Genetic Testing” |
8:55 | Prof. Jian Han (HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, USA) “Adaptome: NGS of T and B cell receptor for biomarker development” |
9:20 | Prof. Rong Fan (Department of Biomedical Engineering Yale University, USA) “Spatial Multi-Omics Sequencing at Tissue Scale and Cellular Level” |
9:45 | Dr. Zongtai Qi (Washington University School of Medicine, USA) “Self-reporting transposons enable simultaneous readout of gene expression and transcription factor binding in single cells” |
10:10 | Break |
10:20 - 11:35 | Session 6: |
Chaired by Prof. Eiichi Tamiya and Prof. Masahito Hosokawa | |
10:20 | Prof. Eiichi Tamiya (Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Japan) “Single cell devices for novel immunological diagnosis” |
10:45 | Prof. Masahito Hosokawa (Waseda University, Japan) “Development of technologies for single-cell genome sequencing of uncultured microbes” |
11:10 | Prof. Huangxian Jv (State Key Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry for Life Science, Nanjing University, China) “Theragnostic of Cancer with Gene Recognition” |
11:35 | Lunch Break |
14:00 - 15:15 | Session 7: |
Chaired by Prof. Fumihito Miura and Prof. Bingjie Zou | |
14:00 | Prof. Fumihito Miura (Kyushu University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Japan) “Toward overlaying multiple epigenomes on the methylome” |
14:25 | Prof. Ruirui Qiao (The University of Queensland, Australia) “Polymeric/inorganic nanohybrids: attractive materials as molecular imaging probes” |
14:50 | Prof. Bingjie Zou (School of Pharmacy, China Pharmaceutical University, China) “Structure recognition endonuclease-based colorimetric detection of nucleic acids” |
15:15 | Break |
15:25 - 16:45 | Session 8: |
Chaired by Prof. Huangxian Jv and Prof. Jing He | |
15:25 | Prof. Guohua Zhou (Medical School of Nanjing University, China) “A rapid and highly sensitive method for multiplexed detection of single protein molecules” |
15:50 | Prof. Jing He (Oxford University, UK) “Graph isomorphism based Structural Similarity Measurement and Its Applications with Covid-19 Genome Sequencing” |
16:15 | PLENARY LECTURE – Prof. Ulf Landegren (Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University, Sweden) "Molecular tools for biomarker analysis" |
16:45 - 17:00 | Closing Remark Chaired by Prof. Huangxian Jv Closing Speech: Prof. Guohua Zhou |